Today is Wednesday - the equator of our stay in here. Let me present what we have seen and what we have impressed from this beautifull northern country
Fist, was the trip from Lviv (Ukraine) to Jyväskylä (Finalnd)

Hopefully, you are ready to words about quality of our transportation service. Line "Lviv-Warsaw" is probably best-suite to some adventure movie of getting travelled in latin america or escaping from narco-baron in tropic forests of Columbia, but imaging this kind of service in the center of Europe... this is awfull.
After 12 hours of swetting and humilation, we finally get to Warsaw Airport. After 4 next hours we have felt hospitale Finnish attitude on the borad of Warsaw-Helsinki plane. Only 1.5 hour of flight and we put our feets on the ground of Finland.
Amasing trip Helsinki-Jyväskylä took another 5 hours, but it was like traveling thru pages of the tale.
First impression from Finland - it is blessed country. With a lake in every corner, with a never-ending forests, and with the cleanest air i have ever breathed.
I fall in love with this country from the first look
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